Thoughts, insights and opinions from our team of investment experts.

Randall Abramson, CFA Newsletter Excerpts
Only time will tell whether today’s lofty index valuation levels represent a grand illusion relative to prevailing and forthcoming economic underpinnings. Either way, our macro and micro analysis suggest that investors are simply too optimistic about stocks generally, boosting overall risks. Market declines may be closer than they appear.
Investment Process
A Constant Battle
RJ Steinhoff, CFA Investment Process
Successful investment strategies are dependent on a robust infrastructure. Outperformance is the accumulation of many small edges, so every component of the investment process is critical, and must be continuously analyzed for areas of improvement.
Extending Duration
RJ Steinhoff, CFA Investment Process
We expect the Bank of Canada to stand pat with interest rates, and there’s a strong possibility of cuts starting in 2024. Consequently, we have switched our duration stance from below benchmark to above; we’re now targeting investment grade bonds with duration greater than 7 years.
No Signs of Recession–Yet
The economic picture has blurred recently. Despite a murky outlook, our U.S. TEC monitor has yet to signal the end of the current economic cycle.
Yield Curve Catching Up
The steepening curve and shift from technology and momentum stocks to financials and cyclicals should offer increased confidence in the economic outlook. Put simply, the yield curve is playing catch up to the mounting evidence that the recovery is on more solid footing.
Meet the Expert Series

RJ Steinhoff, CFA Expert Series
As safer and less volatile income securities, investors cannot expect the same total return that other income alternatives like high yield bonds, high dividend yielding equities, real estate, or infrastructure provide over an expansionary economic cycle. However, over the entire economic cycle, investment grade income serve as an important component within a portfolio, providing reliable income and low volatility and default rates.

RJ Steinhoff, CFA Expert Series
Integrated into all of our growth and income strategies, the principal goal of our risk management system is to mitigate the market corrections that generally follow business cycle peaks, periods of market euphoria, or events such as the 2010 European debt crisis.
Newsletter Excerpts
A Grand Illusion?
Randall Abramson, CFA Newsletter Excerpts
Only time will tell whether today’s lofty index valuation levels represent a grand illusion relative to prevailing and forthcoming economic underpinnings. Either way, our macro and micro analysis suggest that investors are simply too optimistic about stocks generally, boosting overall risks. Market declines may be closer than they appear.
Steering Clear of the Dear
Randall Abramson, CFA Newsletter Excerpts
As value investors we gravitate to undervalued securities—those that are inexpensive relative to our fair market value (FMV) assessments, because they are out of favour or underestimated. Similarly, we steer clear of those that are popular and dear.
We look to avoid overly popular companies that are priced too high, susceptible to decline, and result in misery.
Anyone Feel Like Hibernating?
Randall Abramson, CFA Newsletter Excerpts
Animals hibernate for self preservation—to conserve energy during adverse conditions. But then they emerge, ready for the more bountiful period that awaits.
While we still see an economic setback ahead, and a commensurate market reaction, we expect markets to discount the pending recession, and then once again focus on recovery. In the meantime, we are hibernating—hedging portfolios (afraid of market declines) and buying undervalued, high-quality, recession-resistant companies below our estimated FMVs.
Aversion to Reversion
Randall Abramson, CFA Newsletter Excerpts
Most don’t practice value investing—instead relying on buy and hold, momentum, or index strategies, all much easier on the psyche in the short term. To us, it’s simple common sense to embrace mean-reversion strategies—those offering better upside potential, especially during a period when most securities have downside risk since they are already at or above FMVs.
The Long and Short of It
Randall Abramson, CFA Newsletter Excerpts
The rise in interest rates has been felt across the U.S. economy. Commercial and Industrial loan growth is declining, for the first time since 2020. And it began declining before the recent U.S. bank failures, which were 3 of the 4 largest of its kind. We will continue to hone our short game—hedging portfolios—while playing the long game—owning high-quality companies we expect to grow their earnings and underlying valuations.
Are We Having a Recession Or Not?
Randall Abramson, CFA Newsletter Excerpts
Globally, growth is waning, though at a tepid pace because of the prior avalanche of government stimulus, rebuilding of supplies, and extremely low unemployment. Will central bank restraint lead to a mere petering out of growth, if inflation is quickly perceived to have been ameliorated, or is recession inevitable from one of the fastest tightening responses on record?
Up and Down
Randall Abramson, CFA Newsletter Excerpts
And up and down. Like a toilet seat, yo-yo, a game of Snakes & Ladders, not straight up and down like an elevator, but more like the ups and downs of a rollercoaster—that’s how the financial markets have felt lately. Unusually volatile, reacting to headlines related to inflation, rising interest rates, declining corporate earnings, layoffs, Ukraine, and covid-shutdowns in China. Emotions have been pushing markets up and down, while underlying fundamentals worsen.
Depressing the Optimists
Randall Abramson, CFA Newsletter Excerpts
Our glass is typically half full. Lately, the contents have been evaporating. What would fill it again? Either a substantial market decline lowering valuations, or a sudden reduction in core inflation levels along with a commensurate decline in interest rates. Neither are likely to occur in the short term. Though valuations have compressed from their highs, further deterioration is expected as the economic backdrop worsens.
What Does a Yellow Light Mean?
Randall Abramson, CFA Newsletter Excerpts
Most believe we are destined for a recession, if not already in one. Between the negative sentiment and the stock price valuation reset that needed to take place, it’s not surprising that the markets have meaningfully softened. While the economy is clearly slowing, we do not foresee an imminent recession.
Blueberries, Blowups and Babies
Randall Abramson, CFA Newsletter Excerpts
Our recent mantra has been “Sell the rallies” not “Buy the dips” because we’ve been expecting much more than a dip. That’s not to say that we’ve been expecting a recessionary-based bear market—prolonged and pronounced negative returns while underlying values are falling. We’ve been anticipating a correction, albeit maybe a substantial one, since prices started falling from levels that were above our estimate of fair market value (FMV).
Thoughts, insights and opinions from our team of investment experts.

Randall Abramson, CFA Newsletter Excerpts
Only time will tell whether today’s lofty index valuation levels represent a grand illusion relative to prevailing and forthcoming economic underpinnings. Either way, our macro and micro analysis suggest that investors are simply too optimistic about stocks generally, boosting overall risks. Market declines may be closer than they appear.
Steering Clear of the Dear
Randall Abramson, CFA Newsletter Excerpts
As value investors we gravitate to undervalued securities—those that are inexpensive relative to our fair market value (FMV) assessments, because they are out of favour or underestimated. Similarly, we steer clear of those that are popular and dear.
We look to avoid overly popular companies that are priced too high, susceptible to decline, and result in misery.
A Constant Battle
RJ Steinhoff, CFA Investment Process
Successful investment strategies are dependent on a robust infrastructure. Outperformance is the accumulation of many small edges, so every component of the investment process is critical, and must be continuously analyzed for areas of improvement.
Anyone Feel Like Hibernating?
Randall Abramson, CFA Newsletter Excerpts
Animals hibernate for self preservation—to conserve energy during adverse conditions. But then they emerge, ready for the more bountiful period that awaits.
While we still see an economic setback ahead, and a commensurate market reaction, we expect markets to discount the pending recession, and then once again focus on recovery. In the meantime, we are hibernating—hedging portfolios (afraid of market declines) and buying undervalued, high-quality, recession-resistant companies below our estimated FMVs.
Extending Duration
RJ Steinhoff, CFA Investment Process
We expect the Bank of Canada to stand pat with interest rates, and there’s a strong possibility of cuts starting in 2024. Consequently, we have switched our duration stance from below benchmark to above; we’re now targeting investment grade bonds with duration greater than 7 years.
RJ Steinhoff, CFA on the Investment Grade Income Model
RJ Steinhoff, CFA Expert Series
As safer and less volatile income securities, investors cannot expect the same total return that other income alternatives like high yield bonds, high dividend yielding equities, real estate, or infrastructure provide over an expansionary economic cycle. However, over the entire economic cycle, investment grade income serve as an important component within a portfolio, providing reliable income and low volatility and default rates.
Aversion to Reversion
Randall Abramson, CFA Newsletter Excerpts
Most don’t practice value investing—instead relying on buy and hold, momentum, or index strategies, all much easier on the psyche in the short term. To us, it’s simple common sense to embrace mean-reversion strategies—those offering better upside potential, especially during a period when most securities have downside risk since they are already at or above FMVs.
The Long and Short of It
Randall Abramson, CFA Newsletter Excerpts
The rise in interest rates has been felt across the U.S. economy. Commercial and Industrial loan growth is declining, for the first time since 2020. And it began declining before the recent U.S. bank failures, which were 3 of the 4 largest of its kind. We will continue to hone our short game—hedging portfolios—while playing the long game—owning high-quality companies we expect to grow their earnings and underlying valuations.
Tall Expectations Warrant Short Exposure
RJ Steinhoff, CFA Investment Process
Many indicators of past economic slowdowns are now sounding an alarm. Yield curves in most major economies around the world are inverted. Despite these bright red lights, investors appear sanguine.
Are We Having a Recession Or Not?
Randall Abramson, CFA Newsletter Excerpts
Globally, growth is waning, though at a tepid pace because of the prior avalanche of government stimulus, rebuilding of supplies, and extremely low unemployment. Will central bank restraint lead to a mere petering out of growth, if inflation is quickly perceived to have been ameliorated, or is recession inevitable from one of the fastest tightening responses on record?
Up and Down
Randall Abramson, CFA Newsletter Excerpts
And up and down. Like a toilet seat, yo-yo, a game of Snakes & Ladders, not straight up and down like an elevator, but more like the ups and downs of a rollercoaster—that’s how the financial markets have felt lately. Unusually volatile, reacting to headlines related to inflation, rising interest rates, declining corporate earnings, layoffs, Ukraine, and covid-shutdowns in China. Emotions have been pushing markets up and down, while underlying fundamentals worsen.